At the end of every day I spend in Haiti, I make a mental tally of what went right and wrong.
Some days are better than others.
We’ve spoken a great deal about the bad parts of Haiti lately, the danger, the insecurity, the violence that had our kids scared and hiding. But almost by the very nature of the nation’s endless challenges, every day that Haitians survive is a day to be celebrated.
And to be thankful.

Our orphanage is no different. Let me share a few moments that show how our little corner of this hot country is surviving and thriving, thanks to your help:
We needed to raise a good amount of money for security in the past two months. We did. The effects were immediate.
Suddenly, we have security guards not only at each entrance, but at the bridge near our ravine, and up the ravine, on both sides, and behind the structure we call “the white house” and near our border walls with neighbors.
Just seeing so many people devoted to keeping our us safe makes us feel a bit relieved and makes our kids much more relaxed.

Speaking of the kids, they have adjusted to circumstances, as they always do. They run daily drills at the sound of an alarm. They know where to go and how fast to get there.
We’ve also beefed up our actual perimeters, thanks to the funds we received. There are yards and yards of new fencing, and the old barriers have been raised, reinforced, and lined with barbed wire.
We also now have plans being drawn not only for a fortification of a “safe floor” with protective doors and windows, but also for an actual “safe room,” beneath the floor of an upcoming new structure. This safe room would be big enough for all our kids and staff to handle any worse-case scenario.

Meanwhile, we go on. Final exams are coming up in early June, and we are preparing once again for one of most cherished days — graduation. This year, four more of our high schoolers will wear the cap and gown, make shorts speeches, and be cheered wildly by the other kids and our staff.
All four have earned college scholarships to the U.S. That makes 13 to date, with one heading to medical school in July. If that doesn’t make you proud, I don’t know what will.

Music classes continue, with teachers coming to us, despite the dangers they face in traveling. Our kids are learning foreign languages from Spanish to Korean. And, miracle of miracles, two of our kids, Moïse and Bradley, who have been battling serious health issues, have been granted permission to see doctors in America, and will be doing so very soon.
The sun rises, the sun sets. The streets remain hot with anger, but our yard and gazebo remain shaded and cool, an oasis of rest and love and peace. For all you have done to keep these precious qualities going at our orphanage, we thank you. At the end of the day, it’s always a good day here.
A Year of Thanks & Giving
November: Kitchen — Goal Achieved
December: Safety Car — Goal Achieved
January: Nursery — Construction Goal Achieved
- Construction funded; Ongoing costs to support the hiring of a director for early childhood development and nursery supplies can be supported here.
So much good and so much dedicated service! Good work, well done. Making a difference for so many.
I feel the opposite..saddened. I retired to a second tier world country & I live surrounded by guards in a resort. Outside is extreme violence..hatred & danger everywhere..and I’m an old guy. But Mitch’s kids need a safe house to escape to just to stay alive.
Haiti is horrible. But these kids can’t be held responsible. Thank God regardless of the circumstances..this place exists.
God bless all of you at Have a Little Faith and may there always be support for your beautiful community.
So grateful for your heart Mitch and i am so fortunate to be able to contribute to your beautiful work
Thank you for all you and your team do.
You have helped so many.
Your generosity, kindness, and compassion is simply outstanding!
With respect and best wishes.
I follow your comments on Haiti and have given,. How wonderful you care and show how others less fortunate they are have you and supporters to care and enc ourage them even with all their issues. Continue good luck Keep up the good work. Sounds like you got a complete kitchen thanks to you and pthers
Amen Mitch, our Fondation has partnered with you in Haiti since 2013. I want to point out that every dollar that is given goes directly to the work at the mission. I don’t know of any charities that can say that.
God Bless.
It is a pleasure to see the children smiling and happy.keep up the good work.
Thank you so much for this beautiful overview of Haiti and all of the great work at FIH. You and the staff have done such amazing work there. One can tell by the pictures of those wonderful faces that you and your staff have clearly enriched the lives of the children and provided for them a chance for a life full of opportunity and hope!
Nice to learn the excellent work you are doing for the kids in the orphanage.
You are such a light in the world Mitch! Great work
I love seeing the pictures of the Kids after your excursions. We see the work you and your Team have done, and continue to do! And the smiles on the Kids! , and They’re learning…and have food, and clothing, and supplies, safety! All because of YOU!! You’re the Light, Mitch! SHINE! God bless you, and All, for all you’re doing!
You have accomplished much since you acquired that property. I hope you all stay safe. You can only do the best that you can do.
Mitch, This is fantastic news! Your updates are truly appreciated. And as it’s already been said, we are so happy that the children and your staff are receiving the security and protection you need and deserve. Congratulations on all the great work and accomplishments, too. Lots of love HFH!! Beth ❤️
Praying for God’s continued blessings.. ❤️
Mitch you are a beautiful person & blessing to so many. In Haiti & Detroit!
I love this! Your updates are always honest yet hope-filled.
My son was adopted from Haiti and I’m involved with a nonprofit in PAP called Apparent Project, where his birth mom works. Thank you for all you do in Haiti and for your inspiring writing!