Haiti Mission School Dedication

Mar 7, 2014 | News + Updates

The Have Faith Haiti Mission/Orphanage was thrilled to dedicate its school in the name of Jim and Jane McElya. The McElya’s have been extremely generous donors to the mission, expecting nothing in return. On a recent visit, they were surprised with songs, prayers, a speech and a specially-made plaque, naming their school in their honor.

IMG_3274The plaque dubs the building “The Jim and Jane McElya School of Hope” and quotes Proverbs, reading:  “Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.”

It is the philosophy of the school and its many teachers.

Now in its third full year of operation, the school is the jewel of the mission, and has created enormous strides in the development of the children there. They learn four hours of English and three hours of French every school day. Thanks to school director Cara Nesser and school head teacher and administrator Anachemy Victor, the students are blossoming academically.

We thank the McElya’s for their continued giving hearts and look forward to their next visit!

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About Have Faith Haiti

Have Faith Haiti is a nonprofit organization providing safety, nourishment, education, and opportunity for Haiti’s impoverished children and orphans, and stability for staff and their families in Port-au-Prince. You can learn more here.