Celebrating World Photography Day

Aug 19, 2019 | News + Updates

This spring, a photography elective was offered to high school students at the Have Faith Haiti Bilingual School. This is the first year a high school cohort and program were offered at the mission school, as the children have both gotten older and progressed academically to reach a standardized high school level!

Different lessons called for different subject matter, but please enjoy just a few snapshots of nature in their environment, especially the smallest life among them!

Photo credits to Junie-Anna and Esterline

Junie-Anna and Esterline at the Have Faith Haiti mission

Junie-Anna vs. Birds

Though they invaded her favorite reading spot on the swing, they still received a beautiful treatment here.

Speaking of winged creatures… 


… And those with legs

Shifting perspectives

What’s up there, and what must come down

Grow, grow, growing from the earth!


Valiantly holding back on all fungi / fun guy jokes… 


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About Have Faith Haiti

Have Faith Haiti is a nonprofit organization providing safety, nourishment, education, and opportunity for Haiti’s impoverished children and orphans, and stability for staff and their families in Port-au-Prince. You can learn more here.