Our friends at Hôpital Albert Schweitzer have announced activation of their Emergency Operations Plan after an armed group descended on their town of Desjardins, breaking into homes and kidnapping victims at will. Within hours of the attack, at least 12 people had been kidnapped. The hospital has suspended non-emergent care, and are accepting only emergency patients.
Based in Haiti’s Lower Artibonite Valley, the 200-bed Hôpital Albert Schweitzer Haiti is the only 24/7 full-service hospital serving a population roughly the size of Anaheim, California — more than 350,000 people.
Intervention is needed to help re-establish safety, and according to the poll conducting by Haiti Health Network, Haiti’s people are asking for help.
A message from Mitch Albom
Friends, Haiti is falling into utter chaos. When hospitals are getting attacked, things can’t get much worse. Please read this, and help if you can. And send the message, however possible, to our leaders, that Haiti needs intervention now from the international community, before something beyond tragic happens. See the poll that shows an overwhelming number of Haitian citizens want outside help. When doctors and nurses are fleeing, we must do something. Thank you for your kind consideration.
Download the poll results as a pdf.

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