Science Week came to Have Faith Haiti, thanks to Dan and Beth Wenkel, two scientists from Minnesota who devoted an entire week to different science projects and lessons for students at every education level.
First and foremost, a lesson on safety. Mirlande and Jimmyna found the goggles cool enough to wear at night, too!
Our youngest learned how to use pipettes and test tubes, a great first lesson for future chemists! They also made pinwheels, which may one day inspire them to help build stronger and more efficient wind turbines.
Dan and Beth even brought microscopes, turning our classrooms into mini laboratories. Students not only examined their first set of samples under the microscope, they learned all about how the devices worked.
These chemists learned about ph levels and mixed acids and bases to form new brightly colored solutions using a red cabbage indicator, lemon juice, drain cleaner, soap, and vinegar
Our young engineers used connects and learned about hydraulics to build bridges and machines that would move when powered by pistons and water.
And don’t forget about Bianka’s foray into circuit boards (don’t worry, we never lost power during any experimentation!)
And last but not least, we couldn’t have a science week without a little daydreaming about the final frontier – space! Well, they did a little more than day dream, they learned how to build rockets. They measured the angle of rocket flight with PVC pipe and soda bottle rocket launchers, and experimented with nose cones and fins to determine how a rocket’s design and mass will affect the rocket’s flight. We’re NASA-ready…
We’re so grateful to Beth and Dan for advancing STEM at Have Faith Haiti. Many of our students already loved their science lessons in geology, biology, and earth science, and now with their generosity of time and dedication, we were able to explore chemistry, engineering, physics, and aerodynamics
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